This chapter explains a project titled “LabVIEW GUI based robot control system.” The system is designed in two sections: (1) Transmitter section and (2) receiver section. Transmitter section comprises of Arduino Uno, power supply, PC (LabVIEW), LCD, RF modem. The receiver section comprises the Arduino Uno, power supply, LCD, DC motor, and the RF modem. In this project, two independent methods to control a DC motor are discussed. A motor can be controlled with a switch array as well as with LabVIEW GUI for clockwise, anticlockwise, and stop to make movement in the forward or reverse direction. The receiver section comprises the Arduino Uno, power supply, motor driver (L293D), DC motor, and the RF modem. A chassis is used to make the robot body. A free wheel is connected in the front side of the robot with two DC motor at the back sides.