For the project manager interested in applying Lean thinking and agile techniques (Lean and agile) in the global environment must, be aware of the international standards. An important international standard that the Lean and agile project manager should be familiar with is International Standards Organization (ISO) 13053, relating to Six Sigma. ISO 13053 is divided into two standards: ISO 13053-1 and ISO 13053-2. ISO 13053-1 covers the DMAIC methodology. ISO 13053-2 covers tools used in the DMAIC process. The introduction of ISO 13053 for Six Sigma is an exciting development for the ILSS practitioner. Although the standard is specifically named Six Sigma, it contains many components associated with Lean manufacturing, continuous improvement, and operational excellence. The primary goal of ISO 9001:2008 is to increase customer satisfaction. This is supported by better management controls and engaging in continuous process improvement. The ILSS practitioner is able to impact this initiative by eliminating errors, reducing waste, and providing sustainability models.