The planning phase is the second phase of the project management life cycle. The project manager enters this phase with several pieces of information. The most important is the project charter. The following models can be used in either initiating or planning. Each of these popular prototypes also notes the type of project management most often associated with that model: traditional, Lean, or agile. They are Structured problem solving: traditional, Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) model: traditional, Lean, DMAIC: Lean Six Sigma, People-Process-product/service method (3Ps): Lean, What-why-where-who-when-which (6Ws) approach: Lean, Machines-methods-materials-measurements-mother nature-manpower (6Ms) method: Lean, A3 format: Lean and agile, 5 why approach: Lean and agile, Six Thinking Hats: agile. The training and organizational fit and effectives can be addressed in the initiation or planning phases of the PMLC. The Lean and agile PM knows that, in addition to all the technical requirements necessary to plan a project, attention and detail need to be given to the people factors and organizational considerations involved.