Data protection is rarely, if ever, a one-size-fits-all approach. It's remarkably rare to encounter an individual business where a single data protection product meets all the operational and recoverability requirements. When planning a data protection infrastructure, a simple rule is offered: There are old protection environments, and there are bold protection environments, but there are no old, bold protection environments. There are multiple components to a data protection system for the environment. They are people, processes and documentation, training, service level agreements, testing and technology. Technology comprises just one-sixth of a data protection system. The remaining components people, processes and documentation, training, service level agreements, and testing are independent of the technology used, and no technology, no matter how awe inspiringly complete or comprehensive will provide an adequate data protection strategy if the business does not invest in the other five-sixths of the equation. Conversely, choosing a data protection system for the environment is all about the technology.