This chapter demonstrates three important additions to the model: N-unit scalability, Incorporation and Schedule Addition, and Valuation Improvement. The first provides the analyst the ability to scale up from the standard 5-unit model to an N-unit model. The second provides dates to the cash flows and provides for a dynamic date of sale. The third improves the valuation criteria, i.e. value tying cash flows to dates and improving model accuracy. However, if the project was expanded to "N" units, the Inputs section, as modelled, would require significant adjustments to formatting and likely never fully accommodate "N" units in a cohesive summary section. As such, the pro forma is expanded with an additional functional sheet, i.e. a Rent Roll, to accommodate "N" number of units. This will slightly increase complexity when modelling unit cash flows, e.g. rent, vacancy, tenant abatement, lease starts, etc.