W HAT THEORETICAL APPROACHES ARE APPROPRIATE for describing topological quantum matter? The answer depends on

the type of topological phase we want to study, e.g., non-interacting or interacting, and on the type of information we are interested in, e.g., system-specific properties in the case of a theory designed to provide support for a particular experiment or type of experiment. Non-interacting topological phases can be described within topological band theory using the basic tools of the band theory of solids. However, the complexity of the model, i.e., how much detail has to be included, depends on whether we are only interested in the topological properties of the system or, in addition, we need to consider certain nontopological features. For example, predicting whether or not a specific material is a topological insulator requires detailed knowledge of its band structure, which can be acquired using density functional theory (DFT) methods. Similar treatments may be required to account for certain experimental features involving both topological and non-topological contributions. On the other hand, to understand the classification of topological insulators, it is sufficient to consider “bare bone” effective models, such as continuum Dirac models or

simple tight-binding models. Topologically, these descriptions with extremely different levels of complexity are equivalent whenever one can smoothly connect the corresponding Hamiltonians (up to the addition/subtraction of trivial bands) without closing the insulating gap. However, the effective models provide only a crude description of experimentally relevant properties such as energy gaps, band dispersion, and real space properties of boundary states. In some sense, the situation is analogous to the characterization of a given mathematical object within topology, which only deals with properties that are robust against deformations, and geometry, which accounts for properties described by distances, angles, and shapes.