T OPOLOGICAL QUANTUM COMPUTATION HAS EMERGED as a rapidly growing research field at the confluence of physics, mathe-

matics, and computer science, bringing together several major themes that fruitfully inform each other. Physics problems, ranging from fundamental questions concerning the foundations of quantum mechanics to problems regarding the classification, realization, and manipulation of topological phases of matter, and mathematical challenges, ranging from identifying the formal tools for the complete classification of topological phases to open problems

in computational complexity, converge at this intellectual junction in a combined effort to realize fault-tolerant quantum computation. The convergence of these themes has a significance that goes beyond the simple realization of a certain application — even one as remarkable as a quantum computer — and generates a new paradigm in which the cross fertilization of ideas takes center stage. Thinking about topological quantum matter from the perspective of quantum computation is more creative and fruitful than simply asking the standard questions of many-body condensed matter physics. This is one of the main messages of this book, while the themes involved in this synergy represent its main subject. Therefore, it is fitting to conclude our journey with a chapter on the most explicit manifestation of this new paradigm: topological quantum computation.