T OPOLOGICAL MATTER IS FUNDAMENTALLY QUANTUM mechanical, with no correspondent in the classical world. Therefore, it

would be quite natural to begin our journey with a review of topics that are particularly relevant to understanding the nature of topological quantum states, such as Berry phases and anyon physics. Yet, even before discussing those topics, pausing to think about some fundamental aspects of quantum theory would be extremely worthwhile. For several decades after the triumph of quantum mechanics in the 1920s and early 1930s, thinking about the foundations of the theory and challenging its standard interpretation were viewed

by a majority of physicists as a waste of time, if not plain heresy. The judgment of the physics community on the value of such an endeavor has drastically changed after the groundbreaking work of John Bell and the subsequent experimental tests during the 1970s and 1980s. Today, studying the foundations of quantum mechanics has turned into a flourishing field intimately linked with the explosive rise of quantum information theory. Yet, the subject still has a rather marginal place in standard quantum mechanics textbooks, which focus on the formalism and on the recipes necessary for doing calculations. This chapter is intended for the reader who is less familiar with the problems brought to the fore by quantum information theory and the work on the foundations of quantum mechanics as a brief introduction to these fields and a summary of the basic terminology. But why should one bother about such things when discussing the physics of topological quantum matter? Basically, because the two areas are intimately connected: on the one hand, quantum computation is a prominent item on the list of possible applications for topological quantum states, on the other hand, key concepts in quantum theory, such as quantum entanglement, play a central role in understanding topological matter. Hence, starting the journey with a thought about the foundations of quantum mechanics should enable us to grasp the delicate root that makes the quantum world utterly strange and beautiful, then follow it as it grows out of the sphere of few particle physics into the realm of many-body systems.

1.1 THE QUANTUM MEASUREMENT PROBLEM There is a certain uneasiness about quantum mechanics that every student of this field has probably experienced in some measure. And it is not just the insecurity that results from losing the firm ground of classical intuition; special relativity also deals with this type of problem and does not generate similar feelings. Nor is it at the center of any controversy similar in scale and depth with, for example, the debate [455] between Einstein and Bohr on the foundations of quantum theory. To better understand the source of the problem, let us recall the “standard” way of presenting quantum theory, i.e., starting from certain principles or postulates [126, 440] — a typical approach that can be found in most of the commonly used textbooks. More specifically, let us focus on the key postulates that define the state vectors and their evolution, as well as the observables and the measurements.