The tables in this appendix present basic interaction data for thermal neutrons and for photons. These tables give but a very small fraction of the data contained in comprehensive data libraries and other voluminous compilations. The data selected for these tables are for important interactions encountered in many shield analyses. However, for many calculations, it is necessary to obtain interaction data directly from data libraries maintained at several national nuclear data centers around the world. In the United States, the National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory (nndc@bnl.gov) and the Radiation Shielding and Information Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (pdc@ornl.gov) provide access to extensive nuclear data libraries. The Nuclear Data Service of the International Atomic Energy Agency (online@iaeand.iaea.or.at) and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (wwwndc.tokai.jaeri.go.jp/index.html) also provide nuclear data to the international shielding community.