Band offset a t an in terface betw een solids is one o f the m o st critical p aram eters affecting the p erform ance o f advanced electro n ic and op toelectron ic devices. Am ong the com m on band offset m easu rem en t techniques, in ternal photoem ission (IPE) has been proven to be a novel m ethod w hich is a lm ost a d irect m easu rem en t w ithout com plicated m odeling com m only used in o th er techniques. In this chapter, the b asic princip le o f the IPE spectroscopy is in troduced w ith the m ain focus on the threshold spectroscopy. The IPE p ro cesses (optical excitation, tran sp ort, and escap e o f charge carriers) are d escribed in details. An instru ction to a special case o f hole em ission m easu rem en t is presen ted w ith a b rie f description o f an IPE experim ental setup. D em onstrations o f IPE m easurem ents and data analyses will be perform ed on special classes o f m aterials, including a sem iconductor hetero ju n ction and graphene.