After the New Year, the budget committee finally attended to the Policy CSAW's work. They recognized the problems academic women faced, in particular the difficulty women had in obtaining tenure-track appointments and, once obtained, in getting tenured and promoted. Betty and the Policy CSAW were also helped when the California Legislature added Section 23185 of the Education Code which stated:It is the intent of the Legislature that the Regents of the University of California shall eliminate all policies which detrimentally and unreasonably affect the employment status of females hired by the university. The Policy CSAW had recommended the president take action to replace the nepotism rule with conflict of interest procedures. Betty and some of her colleagues were getting more unhappy about proposed plans for the faculty clubs. The Policy CSAW had the continuing attention of the UC-Berkeley budget committee and its chair, who expressed concern to the VCAA about the high percentage of women academics in non-tenure-track appointments.