The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects (CAMMP) uses the term functions to refer to areas of specialties in project management. The CAMMP view is that safety and environmental aspects apply to many, if not most, projects. It is recognized that on capital projects, safety and environmental aspects can be critical and more important than in organizational change, software, or technology projects. CAMMP considers safety, environment, and health as functions required on projects. Capital projects—projects in hospitality, food and drink, healthcare—all exist in domains in which health considerations are vital. The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle had four components, International Organization for Standardization 21500 and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)Guide each has five sets of processes called process groups. Each group consists of two or more independent processes, except the closing process group. PMBOKGuide replaced the human resource topic with resource management.