Extending Byron DeVries' Swim Lane Marked Petri Nets to Swim Lane Event-Driven Petri Nets (SLEDPN) follows the extension of ordinary Petri nets to Event-Driven Petri Nets. That is to say, DeVries' Swim Lane Marked Petri Nets are a special case of the more general Swim Lane Event-Driven Petri Nets. Transition firing in a Swim Lane EDPN is exactly that for an EDPN. The same marking persistence conventions apply. There is no reason to apply the power of SWEDPNs to the Insurance Premium problem. There are no events or devices in the Insurance Premium problem so its Swim Lane EDPN is a single swim lane, the same as its ordinary Petri net. The input and output events and states for the Swim Lane EDPN formulation of the Garage Door Controller are identical to those in the EDPN version. Deriving test cases from a Swim Lane EDPN is very similar to the process for deriving test cases from an ordinary EDPN.