It is important to understand that in modernizing the electric power system, substantial amounts of power will have to go through power conversion processes, as massive amounts of energy from distributed resources and stored energy devices are coupled to the electric grid. So, the modernization of the electric power grid coupled with the growing demand will invariably introduce some increased level of harmonic currents. Wind is produced after solar energy heats the earth and warm air ascends, producing neighboring colder air to occupy the displaced ascending air. The wind energy industry is booming. Classic High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) has seen substantial progress from the originally employed mercury arc valves to line commutated thyristor valves. With an increased power transfer capability as a function of distance, smaller losses, and environmental responsiveness, along with interarea oscillation damping, quick power flow controls, and a convenient dynamic voltage support, the light option HVDC may be heading to potential growth in HVDC applications.