Coriolis owmeters were developed in the 1970s to ll the need for a owmeter that measures mass directly, as opposed to those that only measure velocity or volume. Because they are independent of changing uid parameters, Coriolis meters have found wide application. Many velocity and volumetric meters are aected by changes in uid pressure, temperature, viscosity, and density. Coriolis meters, on the other hand, are virtually unaected by these types of changes. By measuring mass directly as it passes through the meter, Coriolis meters make a highly accurate measurement that is virtually independent of changing process conditions. As a result, Coriolis meters can be used on a variety of process uids without recalibration and without compensating for parameters specic to a particular type of uid. Coriolis owmeters are named aer Gaspard G. Coriolis (1792-1843), a French civil engineer and physicist for whom the Coriolis force is named.