This chapter discusses an animal-robot-human integrated system. Parts of the work were covered in two undergraduate group projects. The legged field robot discussed here was developed by the team of Lloyd et al., and the mongoose training and animal-robot integrated system was developed by the team of Dissanayake et al. at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. The purpose of building an animal-robot integrated system is to derive a synergy in a combination of individual strengths of an animal and a robot to navigate in a forest environment looking for landmines. The chapter discusses the steps of designing the robot using Solidworks. It is very important for a modern-day engineer to be able to use computer-aided design software to sketch, simulate, and visualize designs before fabricating real hardware. Basically, the animal is repeatedly given a reward whenever it carries out a desired task. This type of learning is known as reward-based learning or reinforcement-based learning.