SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is a generalist protocol for securing exchanges; however, it is widely used in electronic commerce (e-commerce) applications (Freier et al., 1996). SSL was integrated in 1994 in Netscape Navigator to secure communication between a client and a server over an open network such as the Internet. The first public version of SSL was 2.0, because Version 1.0 was a test version used internally within Netscape. Version 3.0, which is currently used, corrected some of the weaknesses that were discovered in the preceding version. Version 3.0 served as the starting point for the protocol TLS (Transport Layer Security) of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), defined in IETF RFC 2246 (1999). TLS was, in turn, adapted to wireless communication in the WTLS (Wireless TLS) protocol. Both TLS and WTLS will be described in the next chapter.