At the beginning of Chapter 6 on Error I said that ‘error’ was a recurring theme throughout the book and that the chapter was concerned merely with presenting a framework for the reader. Almost the same can be said of the training aspect of this chapter. Training is pretty much ubiquitous throughout this volume. References to training can be found in the CRM aspect of Chapter 16 on Flight Deck Safety Management; and also Chapters 5, 13 and 14, respectively on Decision Making, Aircraft Control and Automation, just to name the bits that most readily spring to mind. As a result, the emphasis in this chapter will be on providing an overview of the training design and delivery process and the use of simulation to support it. Training is the method by which the selected huMan is modified to operate the Machine to perform the Mission. It is overseen by the Management and specified by the regulator (part of the Societal Medium). Training is at the very core of Human Factors and was one of the starting points for the discipline in World War II.