This chapter presents a case study of a 48-year-old man who is presented with shortness of breath, painful swallowing and hoarseness. The patient experiences sore throats several times per year, but never this severe. He does not have any other medical problems and does not take regular medications. This patient should be initially assessed and managed in the resuscitation area by a senior emergency medicine doctor. After a quick assessment, prompt involvement of a multidisciplinary team should take place. This should include a senior anaesthetist, ENT surgeon and intensive care doctors. The patient should be warned of the possibility of a tracheostomy and ideally sign a written consent form prior to any intervention. Postoperatively, the patient should be managed in the intensive care unit with regular IV antibiotics and steroids. After around 48 hours, extubation may be attempted if there are signs of improvement. Daily assessment of the supraglottic area should take place with flexible nasendoscopy.