In 2003, L. Graham and P. T. Metaxas, conducted a survey/study of students at Wellesley College regarding the use of Internet sources. When working on homework, either individually or in a group, teaching practitioners may use any written source. However, the normal rules of citation must be followed, as described in the Student Handbook. One natural approach to resolve online solutions to problems is to create new assignments each semester. When problem assignments are truly new and unrelated to any past assignments—created by the instructor or anyone else in the world, solutions may not be available online. When reusing assignments, some faculty may modify an assignment, perhaps changing its wording or making small adjustments in specifications. Such changes may help combat plagiarism from past student work and may complicate students' searching for solutions online. Examples abound in which students locate information on the Web, but the information is obviously biased, incomplete, misleading, or at wrong.