The health of a water body can be measured by the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO), which depends on its temperature, elevation, and salt content. The fluctuation of DO in a water body takes place as a result of oxygenation, which is the process of adding oxygen, and deoxygenation, which is the process by which oxygen is depleted. Chemical oxygen demand, or chemical oxygen demand, on the other hand, is the oxygen demand for biodegradable pollutants as well as non-biodegradable pollutants that are oxidizable. Ultimate biochemical oxygen demand is the total amount of oxygen consumed for complete oxidation of all organic wastes. Denitrification is the process by which nitrates are converted into molecular nitrogen in the presence of denitrifying bacteria. The decay coefficient depends on the type of pollutant. Raw domestic sewage has a value of about 0.5/day, and this value tends to decrease as the sewage undergoes treatment.