The fatigue of chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), however, is an exhaustion that is combined with malaise or a flulike feeling, weakness, and a sensation of impending total collapse. CFIDS pain can be felt in most areas of the body: muscles, joints, throat, lymph nodes, stomach, and head. The muscle pain is a general aching in the large muscles in the legs, arms, back, and sometimes the chest. The most dominant neurological problems that young persons with CFIDS (YPWCs) experience, which affect them the most in school, are the cognitive problems associated with CFIDS, including short-term memory loss, forgetfulness, and a short attention span. Much more attention has been given to adults with CFIDS than to the children who suffer. Although CFIDS can have the same effect on both adults and children, children often react to its symptoms differently. The parent of a child with CFIDS is so often the child's advocate with doctors.