Eventually the software industry will move away from inefficient manual construction and move toward assembly from standard reusable features. The level of software development sophistication in 2016 is about the same as fire-arm manufacture in 1798 just before Eli Whitney introduced standard reusable parts. In 2016, applications of 1,000 function points in size are normally created at rates between about 5.0 and 13.0 function points per staff month using custom designs and manual coding. However, a full complement of reusable materials should be able to push software development rates up above 100 function points per staff month with 90" reuse, and above 250 function points per staff month with 99" reuse. Software reuse is based on the existence of common software patterns. The concept of reusable components is to identify the specific sets of features that are potentially reusable for every company in specific industries.