In addition, we are all individuals, which means we have evolved personal desires and aspirations based on how we view ourselves and how we want others to see us. This obsession with shaping our image to help imagine and define our world makes us homo sapiens unique. We can literally create our own reality. Some people love the chase, the thrill of going after something. It gives them the temporary high of an adrenaline rush, which occurs when the body releases the hormone epinephrine as a response to exciting situations. Increased oxygen and glucose are sent to the brain, and heart rate and blood sugar levels rise. The opposite of the Hot-Pursuit High is the basic procurement technique of seeing something and wanting it badly enough to go out and buy it directly. There’s no chase, no strategizing, no impelling force, and no competitive feeding frenzy. It is uncluttered, uncomplicated, unsexy and unremarkable.