This chapter looks at a handful of artists especially known for taking the combined approach throughout their respective bodies of work, showing just how adaptable and self-aware animation can be. On reflection, Daniel Greaves cites his first short film outing, Manipulation, as perhaps the most harmonious coupling of animation approaches. The fantasy sequences for the film, which was produced in association with Autour de Minuit, were predicated on live-action footage shot against green screen, later keyed, filtered, and composited into three dimensions computer-generated (CG) environments by a team of visual artists at ADV Studios in France. The film certainly succeeds as a natural progression of the graphic novel webisodes, combining the simple yet affecting visual of the Langeman’s disembodied CG head singing his lamentation against a backdrop of densely composited typographical elements, following an introductory scenario combining both asset-based and hand-drawn digital 2-D animation.