Our choice of rubidium atoms as the optically active species becomes now clear. The large elasticity of collisions between the electronically excited states of the rubidium D-lines and noble gas atoms has long been proven [25]. The quasi-molecular potential has a depth of the order of kBT, allowing for a significant part of the atoms’ kinetic energy to be extracted. Finally, the cooling transitions are in the near-infrared spectral regime, making them conveniently optically accessible to commercial laser systems. The cooling power Pcool from these experiments can be estimated in a similar way as for anti-Stokes cooling [26, 27] from the mean fluorescence frequency νfl, the incident power Popt, and the absorption probability of the gas mixture at incident frequency ν, α(ν).P Pcool opt fl= -a n n nn( ) (1.1) The typical energy that can be extracted from the sample per cooling cycle is of order of the thermal energy kBT. In the experiments performed so far, we observe cooling powers Pcool in the order of up to 100 mW [17, 23, 28, 29]. Note that it is important to choose a detuning with a high-enough absorption probability a(ν). We are aware that the collisional broadening plays a crucial role here. A measurement of typical fluorescence data recorded with the dense gas mixture will be shown in Section 1.4.1. Experimentally, it turns out to be crucial that the used buffer gas is of high purity to suppress the influence of concurring heating effects, of which quenching is the most known. In the case of quenching, the excitation energy is transferred to an atom of a third species polluting the dense gas mixture when colliding with the quasi-molecule. Relaxation can then occur via nonradiative decay, and so energy is kept in the system, heating the gas. To reduce possible quenching, an effect known to occur, for example, from an admixture with nitrogen, we use a buffer gas with high purity, namely argon gas preferably with a purity of 99.9999 (argon 6.0). Residual heating can also be caused by energy pooling. In this scenario, during the collision of two excited alkali atoms one of them gets further excited. Its relaxation to the ground state implicates the emission of a fluorescence photon with higher energy. For the case of rubidium atoms, the reaction equation of that process can be written as [30]:

Rb Rb Rb Rb* * **+ + + Æ + + +mv mv mv mv12 22 12 22 2 2 2 2

  . (1.2) The sum of the energies of the single excited rubidium atoms before the collision is higher than the energy of the twice excited atom. The surplus of the energy is thus kept in the system as kinetic energy of the collisional partners [31]. For rubidium atoms subject to a high-pressure noble gas, fluorescence originating from the 6p Æ 5s transition then occurs, and can be detected as blue light at a wavelength λ ≈ 420 nm in the experiments. At room temperature, the alkali atoms are in the solid phase. To produce a sufficient alkali vapor number density the system is heated to temperatures of up to 680 K, while the buffer gas pressure ranges between 50 bar and 230 bar. Under these conditions, we calculate that the dense gas ensemble consists of approximately 1017 cm-3 alkali atoms and 1021 cm-3 noble gas atoms. Then, we can estimate the mean free path length λfp for a gas of colliding atoms (cross section σ) and number density n l

sfp =

n (1.3) Let us consider the geometric cross section πd2, where d denotes the diameter of a rare gas atom, which is twice the van der Waals radius (d = 2rvdW = 3.76 × 10−10 m for argon [32]). Then, for argon

pressure of 200 bar, the mean free path length is in the order of only a few nanometers, λfp ≈ 2.3 nm. Following the Boltzmann distribution, still considering a temperature T = 680 K, one can also estimate the collisional rate to 2.4 × 1011/s. Comparing this to the natural lifetime of the first excited alkali atom level (27 ns), we calculate that 104collisions occur within this period of time. 1.3 Experimental Setup and MethodsIn the following section, we present our experimental setup in detail, including the techniques used to measure atomic fluorescence and temperature changes inside the gas mixture. We offer insights into the high-pressure cells employed (Section 1.3.1), as well as into the spectroscopic techniques (Section 1.3.2) and the thermal deflection setup (Section 1.3.3).