Rodents are the most notorious animal of stored commodities, they are not only eat stored produce but also destroy the warehouses and godowns. The population of rodents was reported to be around 3000 million which is regularly increasing. The rats are found in every portion of land throughout world and are known as polyestrous animals. Cuban warehouses loss of 1" of the amount available to human consumption could be readily preventable by standard control techniques. Rodents consume and damage human foods in the field as well as in warehouse. Besides their direct damage to produce them also contaminate the produce by urine and droppings and degrade the quality of produce. Due to their gnawing and burrowing habit they destroy many articles and storage structures. They are responsible for transmitting several dangerous human diseases. Rodent attack can further be detected by damaged sacks where grain is spilled and scattered. Small heaps of grain beneath bag stacks is a clear sign.