The productivity of withanolide A in the cultures varied considerably with the change in the hormone composition of the culture media as well as genotype used as source of the explant. It is thought that withanolides are synthesized in leaves and transported to roots similar to the tropane alkaloids known to be synthesized in roots and transported to leaves for storage. Distribution of withanolide A in various organs of W. somnifera was investigated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Withanolide A and asiatic acid were investigated for their potential activities against multiple targets associated with Abeta pathways. The growth inhibition was observed in Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus at three different of Withanolide-A concentrations. Withanolide A reversed hypoxia mediated neurodegeneration; administration of buthionine sulfoximine along with withanolide A blunted its neuroprotective effects. In vitro multiple shoots, root, callus, and cell suspension cultures of W. somnifera exhibited the potentiality to produce pharmacologically active withanolides.