Tobacco smoking is a preventable risk factor of undue death and illness. Smokingrelated deaths as well as illnesses are on the rise, based on the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO). Tobacco kills approximately 6 million people every year, ve million as a result of direct tobacco smoking and 600,000 nonsmokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke (WHO 2015). In 2012, one-fth of the global population aged 15 years and above smoked tobacco, the tobacco smoking rate being

12.1 Smoking-Related Mortality and Morbidity ................................................ 247 12.1.1 Smoking Kills ................................................................................. 247 12.1.2 Tobacco Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease ..............................248 12.1.3 Tobacco Smoking and Hypertension ..............................................248 12.1.4 Tobacco Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes ..........................................249 12.1.5 Tobacco Smoking and Chronic Respiratory Disease ......................249 12.1.6 Tobacco Smoking and Cancers .......................................................249 12.1.7 Tobacco Smoking and Mental Health Issues ..................................250