Without doubt wind power has become a pillar of the energy systems in many countries and is recognized as a reliable and affordable source of electricity. In the year 2012, the worldwide wind capacity reached 282,275 Megawatt (MW), after 236,749 MW in 2011, 196,944 MW in 2010, and 159,742 MW in 2009. The market for new wind turbines reached a new record: 44,609 MW was installed in 2012, an increase of 12% compared with 2011 when 39,805 MW was erected. The contribution of wind power to the energy supply has reached a substantial share even on the global level: All wind turbines installed around the globe by the end of 2011 contribute potentially 580 Terawattshours to the worldwide electricity supply, more than 3% of the global electricity demand [11].