Kava-kava, scientifi cally recognized as Piper methysticum, is a plant that originates from the Pacifi c Islands. For thousands of years it has been embedded in the culture of the region, extracted and served frequently, from informal social gatherings to traditional ceremonies (Kuchta et al. 2015). Kava’s appeal stems from its neuropharmacologic properties: an intoxicating agent that produces sedative, anxiolytic, and analgesic effects. As a result, the plant has been studied and utilized for its therapeutic value across the globe. In certain areas of the Pacifi c (Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia) (Figure 8.1 in color insert), kava is reportedly used to calm nerves, prevent fatigue, and treat insomnia. The Western world has also adopted the substance as a commercialized health supplement. The understanding of kava’s therapeutic reach is still growing, which indicates a need for continued study.