At the heart of a hazard resilient community is a resilient economy. Residents need a reliable source of decent jobs and aordable housing options. Businesses need an accommodating venue for commerce and trade and a steady workforce. e local government needs a stable source of revenue in order to build and maintain infrastructure and provide services and amenities to community members. All of these elements of a vibrant economy depend on a steady ow of capital investment from both the public and private sectors. At no time are these issues more critical than during the period of recovery and reconstruction following a disaster. Aer a hazard event, it is essential for the recovery of the community that the economy remains stable or quickly returns to stability aer a short period of readjustment. Communities that have built resiliency into the local economy before a disaster strikes will be in a much better position to return to stability aer a hazard event. Resilient communities are able to maintain or quickly restore economic vitality following a disaster.