This chapter details what is required in terms of competencies, skills and knowledge from junior physicians in core medical training in ophthalmology. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an ocular emergency and receives distinction due to its acute presentation, need for immediate treatment and well-established anatomic pathology. Cataracts are an important general medical topic. Rarely, cataracts can present at birth or in early childhood as a result of hereditary enzyme defects, and severe trauma to the eye, eye surgery or intraocular inflammation can also cause cataracts to occur earlier in life. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) has a prevalence of about one in 4000; an estimated two million people are affected worldwide. Angioid retinal streaks are seen on fundoscopy as irregular dark red streaks radiating from the optic nerve head. The elastic layer of Bruch's membrane is characteristically thickened and calcified. Optic atrophy is seen as pale, well-demarcated disc on fundoscopy. It is usually bilateral and causes a gradual loss of vision.