The laparoscopic surgery enables operations to be performed through smaller incisions with reduced trauma to tissues. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are as follows: there is a reduction in postoperative pain and subsequent analgesia requirement; the physiological insult to the patient is decreased and improved cosmesis is achieved. The disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery are as follows: there is an absence of tactile feedback; haemorrhage is more difficult to control laparoscopically; and laparoscopic surgery may require conversion to open operation. The absolute contraindications for laparoscopic surgery are generalised peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, clotting abnormalities, liver cirrhosis, and uncontrolled shock. The methods available for creating a pneumoperitoneum are open (Hasson) technique and closed Verres needle technique. The Royal College of Surgeons recommends the open Hasson method because it is safer.