Disinfection is the process of removal of pathogenic micro-organisms, including pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. Sterilisation removes or destroys all forms of microbial life (pathogenic and non-pathogenic), including bacteria, viruses and fungi. The probability of a viable micro-organism surviving is one micro-organism per one million items. The methods of sterilization are steam, hot air, ethylene oxide, irradiation and peracetic acid. The precautions that are taken to protect theatre staff from infection in all patients are waterproof gowns; surgical gloves, including double gloving and ‘indicator’ systems; masks, visors and goggles; ‘no-touch’ surgical technique when handling needles; and safe disposal of sharps. The patients require further specialist precautions, including the following: adequate communication between medical and theatre staff, and minimal theatre personnel and equipment present in theatre.