This chapter outlines the response to suffering of the major world religions, as well as the attitudes to suffering in an atheist capitalist society. One of the major shortcomings of technological medicine is that, in the relentless search for cures for disease, the suffering of humans is relatively neglected. Religion is irretrievably linked to the sufferings of humanity. Although the Quran has strong literary and theoretical links to the Judaeo-Christian tradition, its revelation of God's message via the prophet Muhammad is unique. Suffering in Hinduism is part of the essence of the universe, since it is seen as part of the cycle of killing and being killed, devouring and being devoured. Buddhism has grown as a faith alongside Hinduism – the concepts of rebirth and karma are shared. The Dalai Lama has pointed out that religion is not essential for human spirituality to develop and, he feels that the latter may have more to offer the future of the planet.