Mini glossary Angioplasty: insertion of a medical stent (splint placed inside a duct to ■ maintain patency) or a balloon. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: emergency chest compression and ■ mouth-to-mouth ventilation (see Figure 18.4). ECG: electrocardiogram. ■ Electrical cardioversion: conversion of abnormal cardiac rhythm to a ■ normal rhythm using a defi brillator; cardioversion can also be achieved with drugs. Heart block: failure of conduction of the nerve impulse in cardiac tissue. ■ Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI): an invasive procedure to ■ widen the narrowed coronary arteries, which is usually caused by build-up of cholesterol. Positive inotrope: an agent that increases the force and perhaps also the ■ rate of cardiac contractions. LDL: low density lipoprotein. ■ Myocardial infarction: death of heart muscle cells caused by interrupted ■ blood supply, most usually in the left ventricle (see Figure 18.1). Pulmonary oedema: fl uid accumulation in lung tissue. ■ Streptokinase: an enzyme extracted from streptococcus that liquefi es ■ blood clots. Thrombolysis: dissolving a blood clot. ■ Thrombus: blood clot. ■

Ventricular fi brillation: rapid, irregular and uncoordinated ventricular ■ twitching, resulting in death due to hypoxia unless treated in time. Ventricular tachycardia: rapid, regular heartbeat originating in the ■ ventricle; dangerous because it may lead to ventricular fi brillation.