This chapter provides guidelines for the non-professional carer and is intended to offer practical advice and ideas. Difficulty in swallowing or a sensation of choking on one’s food is very distressing for both the patient and the carer. Patients with cancer of the gullet who have had a tube (stent) inserted are also at risk of the tube blocking with food and they may need specialist advice to clear the blockage. Sometimes infection can recur and cause problems with swallowing – usually due to discomfort rather than a blockage. A Doidy cup has slanted sides and is easier for the patient to drink from. If one has problems obtaining a Doidy cup, he/she has to speak to the occupational therapist, who may be able to help obtain one. If the problem with swallowing is persistent or the cancer is growing and causing obstruction to the oesophagus, there are other options available, which the doctor will discuss with the patient.