Difficult what? Difficult decisions? Difficult report? Difficult budgets? No, let's do difficult people!

People, difficult people, that's the one we seem to have the most trouble with.

Here are a few tips. Make a start by cutting this out, sticking it on the fridge door with one of

those magnet things and reminding yourself every day. I ] Dealing with difficult people i The first rule: ] There is no such thing as a difficult person, there are just people we need 1 to learn how to deal with... ! i The second rule: 1 Re-read the first rule... i

[ The six most important words: 'I admit, I made a mistake.' 1 The five most important words: 'You did a good job.' i The four most important words: 'What is your opinion?' [ The three most important words: 'Would you mind?' 1 The two most important words: 'Thank you.' i The one most important word: 'We' [ The least important word: T

If our car won't start it's no good blaming the car. No good kicking the tyres, shouting at it and slamming the doors. Maybe it needs petrol, a service, a new battery. Who knows what it could be? We just find out what the problem is and fix it.