Rick interrupted her. ‘. .. yes, yes, but for Gary, I mean, he doesn’t have this insight, and in a way I w ant to say he’s protected or protecting himself from it. There is no doubt tha t while he says to me, as he has, that he m ustn’t be “like his father” , the reality is that he is being. And when that really makes an impact on his awareness, it really is going to throw him. And I suspect it is hap­ pening and I am concerned tha t it will cause him to spin off into heavier drink­ ing to cope, and with that will come added anger and frustration associated with w hat he has glimpsed about himself. It really feels like this is a critical time for Gary. Things are moving to the surface. The way he is, the way he is speaking. He is becoming more self-reflective and, I don’t know, it’s going to dawn on him. I mean, he knows he gets violent and aggressive, he knows he drinks heavily, but he still sees it as different. Maybe he’ll be able to preserve this for a while. I don’t know. But I don’t think so. And th a t’s because he seems more reflective. I t’s like . . . ’ Rick paused, unsure how to express himself.