This chapter presents a case of a 20-year-old law student who attends the emergency department with her parents after having taken an overdose of her mother's antidepressant medication. She had a row earlier in the day with her parents about her mobile phone bill. She is constantly licking her lips and sipping water from a bottle. Her mood is euthymic. She expresses remorse and denies any ideas of self-harm. There are no psychotic symptoms. She appears a little disorientated, getting the time and date wrong, but there is no evidence of gross cognitive abnormality. There is no evidence of any other psychopathology. She is willing to be examined but refuses to be admitted. She appears flushed and warm to touch. Her pulse is 110 beats per minute and irregular and blood pressure is 98/64 mm Hg. Her pupils are dilated. There are no focal signs on central nervous system examination. Abdominal examination reveals a distended bladder.