This chapter presents a case of a 24-year-old engineering student who attends the psychiatric follow-up clinic complaining of sudden jerky movement of his limbs over the past 3 weeks. He was diagnosed with depression 8 months ago and has been treated with fluoxetine 40 mg a day, without much benefit. The National CJD Surveillance Unit (in the United Kingdom) or a similar public health body should be notified once the disease is suspected as the patient is 'at risk' for public health purposes. He should be advised that he would not be able to carry out blood or organ donation. There is no specific treatment for CJD although drugs such as quinacrine and pentosan polysulphate have been used on an individual basis. Psychiatric syndromes or symptoms may need appropriate treatment. This includes antipsychotic medication for agitation or psychotic symptoms, antidepressants for low mood and benzodiazepines for movement disorder and anxiety.