Now you have some idea of what a gesture drawing is all about, select 4 different people doing some kind of physical exercise. They might be digging, washing a car, sweeping the floor, etc.—whatever it is that makes them active. Draw your 4 people poses on the next blank page. (Take no more than 2-3 minutes per drawing to do this.)

(Note: Your temptation in this and all the following action assignments will be to use a photograph or freeze a moment in time on a video to base your gesture drawing on. Try not to do this as the photographic lens can both distort and flatten any image it is capturing. Its far better to use “live” activities to train your eye with, as these will give you a far better idea of the shape, form, volume, and depth of what you’re looking at. As a second choice, go to moving video on Vimeo, YouTube, etc., and only as a final resort use a photograph.)