A DEMONIC POSSESSION IMPLIES the invasion of a person by a demon or a supernatural force. Th e word “demon” comes from the Greek daimon. In ancient Greece, the daimon could be good or evil depending on their deeds, but avenging spirits were considered evil forces. Th e Judeo-Christian demon is the result of an integration of the Greek daimon with avenging spirits. In the Old Testament, the fi rst book of Samuel tells the story of David playing the harp for Saul to alleviate the torments caused by a demon; the spirit would leave at the sound of the harp and Saul’s pain would be relieved. Th e book of Tobit (Tobias) tells the story of Sarah, who was harassed by the demon Asmodeus who had killed seven of her husbands. Tobias was able to make the demon fl ee to Egypt. In the New Testament, there are many references to demonic possession and eight cases of exorcism. Among them, the story of the Gerasene demoniac stands out as one of the most detailed descriptions of demonic possession. According to the Gospels, this demoniac was living in the tombs and had been chained by hands and feet. Soon before Jesus’ arrival in the city, he had broken his chains and no one was able to bide him or subdue him any more. Furthermore, he would cry out and cut himself with stones night and day. When Jesus encountered him he ordered the demon to come out of him; aft er the exorcism, his judgment was restored.