A number of inflammatory dermatoses and infective conditions commonly affect the groin areas, as well as the hair-bearing areas and peri-anal region. These problems may present to the sexual health clinic or may be seen in the general practice setting or the dermatology department. Intertrigo is a common condition, affecting all races, and is particularly found in old people and young children. The usual presenting symptoms are of chronic irritation of the skin folds with itching and burning being prominent symptoms. Candidosis (infection due to the yeast candida albicans) is the commonest cause of intertrigo. Clinical examination reveals red plaques in the skin folds, often with small erosions. The diagnosis of intertrigo can be made clinically but a cause must be sought. Wood's (ultraviolet) light examination of the groin area will exclude erythrasma. For infective problems antimycotic agents (e.g. topical clotrimazole, itraconazole) and anti-infective agents (antiseptics, topical antibiotics for short-term use) may prove useful.