Economic (health outcomes) evaluations are often published as secondary papers in specialist health economics journals. For guidelines on reporting health economics see the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS). Most journals have editorial boards but their composition and role vary greatly. Editorial board members are usually listed on the journal website or inside the front cover. Many journals that started life, and are still firmly rooted, in traditional paper and print use the internet or electronic media to some extent. The term 'electronic publishing' seems to cover all aspects of this wide spectrum, making it, unless clearly defined, rather meaningless. Journals often issue press releases a little before the publication date but with an embargo to prevent journalists publishing anything before this date. European Clinical Trials Database (EudraCT) contains information about all trials reported to the European regulatory authorities since 2004. Devising, agreeing and communicating a successful publication strategy therefore depends on discovering the expectations of everybody involved.