F1000Research has several unusual features which, depending on reader point of view, may increase or decrease its attractiveness as a target for their work. It encourages authors to continue to revise their manuscript until the reviewers are happy with it – even if this involves doing extra experiments or reanalysing the data. Some journals offer rapid publication (within about 4 weeks of acceptance) for papers that represent major breakthroughs or have important public health implications. Fdaaa is rather unpronounceable acronym that stands for the equally unwieldy Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007. Most medical journals do not allow footnotes. Journals of law or medical ethics, on the other hand, may positively encourage footnotes. Most journals expect submitted manuscripts to follow their sometimes exacting formatting requirements for things like references and abstract headings. Freebies (or 'throwaways') are medical newspapers or websites that are funded by advertising, available to large numbers of doctors and quite widely read.