A blighted ovum is a fertilised egg that has ceased development at a very early stage. On ultrasound examination there is a gestational sac in which no fetal pole can be identified. If an ectopic pregnancy is strongly suspected, the gynaecologist will perform a laparoscopy to confirm the diagnosis. Laparoscopy is performed through small incisions in the abdominal wall, and the ectopic pregnancy can usually be removed via this route. Bed rest and hospitalisation are advised in order to try to ensure that the pregnancy goes to term. A Caesarean section may be indicated. Hormonal treatment aims to stop ovulation and allow the endometrial deposits to regress and die. The treatment puts the woman into a pseudo-pregnancy or pseudo-menopause. Prolactin levels are normally high during pregnancy and lactation. Abnormally high levels of prolactin may be caused by a prolactin-secreting pituitary tumour or by a non-secreting pituitary tumour that prevents dopamine from reaching normal prolactin-producing cells.