A conference is a chance to confer. A speaker at a conference who leaves no time for discussion with their audience within their allotted time slot is working totally against the spirit, indeed point, of a conference, literally, the chance to confer with others. The legibility of the slides will be vital. Obviously, one need to choose a clear font that is easily legible, even in poor lighting conditions. Certain colour combinations should also be avoided such as red typeface on a blue background, or yellow typeface on a pale green background. White typeface on dark blue is good, as is yellow typeface on dark blue. Physical barriers to communicating one’s results can include a lecture room’s poor lighting and/or poor acoustics, outside noise, laptop/projector problems, or no laser pointer. Ambiguity of words/phrases can include use of colloquial expressions from one's country being meaningless to an international audience. Physiological barriers means clear diction and projecting the voice are very important.