For the treatment of mixtures in gaseous or liquid phases for which a pressure-explicit equation of state would be available with the adjustable parameters dependent on composition, one could think of using Equation 11.1 to calculate chemical potentials. In fact, the partial molar volume, as defined by Equation 6.2, can be then evaluated using the following transformation: https://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> v ¯ i ≡ ( ∂ V ∂ n i ) T , P , n j ≠ i = − ( ∂ P ∂ n i ) T , V , n j ≠ i ( ∂ V ∂ P ) T , n = ( ∂ P ∂ n i ) T , V , n j ≠ i V κ T https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315399065/5df30985-80c1-4e11-9533-10c20ed2604c/content/un12_e001.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>